Day 070-071 – Miami, FL – Dogs

Today was a chill day.

Dawn and I took her dog Spirit and her friend Ian’s dog Kodi to the most amazing dog park I’ve ever been to. It’s only a block from Dawn’s house and the entire place is covered in green astroturf with undulating hills and trees that are surrounded by a rubber compound that the dogs can’t dig up. There is art, nice benches and even a sail for shade. The dog park shares the same edge of the block as the kids park and gets 2/3 of the space. Take that kids!

I decided to take it easy and stay in tonight while Dawn went out on a ship based bar crawl around Miami. It turned out I didn’t miss much.

On Sunday we went over to Matheson Hammock Park & Marina for some beach time. It’s a great park if you have little kids that you want to keep track off in the big tidal pool, but not so great for those interested in putting their feet in sandy surf. We laid on the beach for a while and after Ian met up with us we went and got ice cream. I couldn’t resist getting the fresh made belgian waffle split (pic). The others were kind enough to wait the extra 20 minutes it took them to make it and for me to eat it. There was even a barbershop quartet practicing their songs on the inside.

That night Dawn had dinner with a colleague so I grabbed a burger at a place called Lokal before calling it a night.

I start the last push to Key West tomorrow and I’m oddly not that excited about it and not sure why.



