Day 015 – WA DC – Rooftop BBQ!

My final day in WA DC I convinced Tina that it was time for us to grill on her rooftop. I brined a chicken and then spatchcocked (butterflied) it so that it would be super moist and fast to cook. It came out wonderfully if I do say so myself. I got so wrapped up in cooking that I forgot to take a picture 🙁 I also made corn grilled in the husk and grilled red asparagus from a farmers market with a little garlic oil drizzle and salt and pepper. Tina made a yummy kale salad topped with the left over gremolata (parsley, lemon zest and garlic in olive oil) from the lamb chops we had before. Tina’s friend Lizzette bought along even more chicken and some ice cream for dessert. Oh and we had some savory pork sausage as well along with lots of white wine.

We stayed up there for hours talking even though it only felt like minutes. The weather was perfect and the company divine.



